Part 11: On The Border and Global Refugee Crisis

Part Eleven, “On the Border and Global Refugee Crisis,” provides readings, reports, and multimedia resources for placing the U.S. immigration detention system in the broader contexts of border enforcement and a growing global refugee crisis. It also provides further resources for assessing migrant deaths in the U.S.-Mexico borderlands, the relationship between climate change and migration, and immigration detention experiences abroad.


Border Games.png


Photo Essay: “A First Look Inside Border Patrol’s ‘Iceboxes,’” The Atlantic,2016.

Poetry: Daniel Borzutsky, The Performance of Becoming Human

Podcast: “Peter Andreas: Trump’s Wall is Already Built,” The Dig

Undocumented Migration Project, University of Michigan

Visualizing the US-Mexico BorderThe Intercept

National Border Patrol Museum Oral Histories

by Jess X Chen, from “Visions of the Inside 2015” by CultureStrike

by Jess X Chen, from “Visions of the Inside 2015” by CultureStrike

Fernando Marti, 2015. CultureStrike Climate Justice

Fernando Marti, 2015. CultureStrike Climate Justice

The Missing Migrant Project by Coalicíon de Derechos Humanos and the Colibri Center for Human Rights

No More Deaths, No Mas Muertes

Climate Refugees

Climate Justice project, CultureStrike


Exodus, PBS
Children of Syria, PBS Frontline
Welcome to CanadaThe Atlantic
Climate Refugees (2015):

Global Detention



Surviving Detention: Refugee Art Project (Australia)

Behind the Wire (Australia):

Detained Voices (UK)

Nowhere People global refugee stories

Against All Odds video game, UNHCR